Defensive Driving – Blacktop (LV)

Target Audience

The course is designed for all employees who drive a motor vehicle within the Sultanate of Oman and the surrounding GCC region.


To enhance drivers knowledge and skills for driving safely on blacktop roads within the Sultanate of Oman and the surrounding GCC region.

By the end of this session, the delegate will have an understanding of the following:

  • Perform all pre-driving checks.
  • Drive the vehicle safely, lawfully, and correctly whilst interacting with other traffic.
  • Keep a safe distance on all sides of the vehicle in all traffic conditions.
  • Observe, recognise, and correctly respond to all potential and actual hazards, and use the correct elements of the hazard approach procedure.
  • Observe, recognise and correctly respond to all road features, signs, signals
    and markings.
  • Communicate correctly and appropriately with other road users.
  • Drive the vehicle at a speed and in a manner commensurate with the condition of the load, road, traffic, and environmental conditions.
  • Understand the main causes of road collisions and road traffic law relevant to safe driving throughout the Sultanate of Oman. (For Oman only)
    Understand additional hazards which can be encountered when driving at night and in a wide variety of ‘bad weather conditions’.
  • Manoeuvre safely and efficiently in a restricted space.
  • Think and act ‘defensively’. This is the key component and forms the basis of the course. Safe use of all controls is important; but this course focuses on the all-important perceptive skills i.e. the driver’s thought processes, which are developed to a high level by means of encouragement, quality instruction and commentary driving by the instructor and trainees.

Defensive Driving – Blacktop and Graded Road

Target Audience

The course is designed for employees who drive a Heavy motor vehicle within the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.


To enhance drivers knowledge/skills for driving Heavy vehicles safely on blacktop and graded roads within the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.

By the end of this session, the delegate will have an understanding of the

  • Perform all pre-driving checks; Drive the vehicle safely, lawfully, and
    correctly whilst interacting with other traffic.
  • Keep a safe distance on all sides of the vehicle in all traffic conditions.
  • Observe, recognize, and correctly respond to all potential and actual hazards, and use the correct elements of the hazard approach procedure.
  • Observe, recognize and correctly respond to all road features, signs, signals and markings.
  • Communicate correctly and appropriately with other road users.
  • Drive the vehicle at a speed and in a manner commensurate with the condition of the load, road, traffic, and environmental conditions.
  • Understand the main causes of road collisions and road traffic law relevant to safe driving throughout the Sultanate of Oman.
  • Maneuver safely and efficiently in a restricted space.
  • Explain how the handling characteristics of heavy vehicles, harsh driving styles and different road conditions can affect vehicle control.
  • Understand the key regulations for driving in the interior.
  • Recover and escape from the initial stage of the ‘S’ pattern rollover.
  • Understand the main causes of road collisions on graded roads.
  • Understand how to deal with Dust Clouds.
  • Understand additional hazards which can be encountered when driving in a wide variety of ‘bad weather conditions’ and dealing with wadis.

Defensive Driving – Graded Road (LV)

Target Audience

The course is designed for employees who drive a motor vehicle on graded roads in the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.


To enhance drivers knowledge / skills for driving safely on Graded Roads within the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.

By the end of this session, the delegate will have an understanding of the following:

  • Perform all pre-driving checks.
  • Understand the key regulations for driving in the interior.
  • Observe, recognise, and correctly respond to all potential and actual hazards on graded roads, and use the correct elements of the hazard approach procedure.
  • Observe, recognise and correctly respond to all road features and signs and communicate correctly and appropriately with other road users.
  • Drive the vehicle at a speed and in a manner commensurate with the condition of the load, road, traffic, and environmental conditions.
  • Recover and escape from the initial stage of the ‘S’ pattern rollover.
  • Understand the main causes of road collisions on graded roads.
  • Understand how to deal with Dust Clouds.
  • Understand how to safely pass animals.
  • Understand additional hazards which can be encountered when driving in a wide variety of ‘bad weather conditions’ and dealing with wadis.
  • Manoeuvre safely and efficiently in a restricted space.
  • Identify, reduce and control the hazards encountered whilst driving on graded roads.
  • Explain how the handling characteristics of 4×4 light vehicles can affect vehicle control.
  • Have an awareness of IVMS.

Defensive Driving – Blacktop and Graded (Light/Heavy Tankers)

Target Audience

The course is designed for employees who are required to drive a tanker (Light or Heavy) on blacktop and graded roads within the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.


To enhance drivers knowledge / skills for driving safely, liquid tankers within the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.

By the end of this session, the delegate will have an understanding of the following:

  • Perform all pre-driving checks.
  • Drive the vehicle safely, lawfully, and correctly whilst interacting with other traffic.
  • Keep a safe distance on all sides of the vehicle in all traffic conditions.
  • Observe, recognise, and correctly respond to all potential and actual hazards, and use the correct elements of the hazard approach procedure.
  • Observe, recognise and correctly respond to all road features, signs, signals and markings.
  • Communicate correctly and appropriately with other road users.
  • Drive the vehicle at a speed and in a manner commensurate with the condition of the load, road, traffic, and environmental conditions.
  • Understand the main causes of road collisions and traffic law relevant to safe driving throughout the Sultanate of Oman.
  • Understand additional hazards which can be encountered when driving at night.
  • Manoeuvre safely and efficiently in a restricted space.
  • Explain how the handling characteristics of heavy vehicles, harsh driving styles and different road conditions can affect vehicle control.
  • Understand the specific characteristics of liquid loads and how a liquid load causes instability.
  • Recover and escape from the initial stage of the ‘S’ pattern rollover.
  • Understand the main causes of road collisions on graded roads.
  • Understand additional hazards which can be encountered when driving in a wide variety of ‘bad weather conditions’ and dealing with wadis.

Defensive Driving – Blacktop and Graded (Light/Heavy Buses)

Target Audience

The course is designed for employees who are required to drive a bus (Light or Heavy) on blacktop and graded roads within the Sultanate of Oman.


To enhance drivers knowledge and skills for driving safely a bus in all conditions for the safety, care and comfort of passengers within the Sultanate of Oman.

By the end of this session, the delegate will have an understanding of the following:

  • Perform all pre-driving checks.
  • Drive the vehicle safely, lawfully, and correctly whilst interacting with other traffic.
  • Keep a safe distance on all sides of the vehicle in all traffic conditions.
  • Observe, recognise, and correctly respond to all potential and actual hazards, and use the correct elements of the hazard approach procedure.
  • Observe, recognise and correctly respond to all road features, signs, signals and markings.
  • Communicate correctly and appropriately with other road users.
  • Understand additional hazards which driving at night.
  • Manoeuvre safely and efficiently in a restricted space.
  • Describe the unique handling characteristics of a bus and the additional responsibilities involved with the carriage of passengers.
  • Describe the actions a bus driver should take in the event of an emergency situation.
  • Describe the road layouts and features where buses are most at risk of a road traffic collision.
  • Explain how the handling characteristics of heavy vehicles, harsh driving styles and different road conditions can affect vehicle control.
  • Understand the key regulations for driving in the interior.
  • Recover and escape from the initial stage of the ‘S’ pattern rollover.
  • Understand the main causes of road collisions on graded roads.

Defensive Driving – Off Road Soft Sand Driving Skills

Target Audience

The course is designed for all drivers who require the knowledge and skills to drive safely and competently in off-road conditions.


To enhance drivers knowledge and skills for driving safely conditions and environment.

By the end of this session, the delegate will have an understanding of the following:

  • Explain how the handling characteristics of four wheel drive vehicles can affect control in off-road conditions.
  • Identify off-road hazards on gravel plain, rocky undulating terrain (wadis) and sand dunes.
  • Demonstrate vehicle and safety equipment checks prior to off-road driving.
  • Demonstrate the ability to drive defensively in off-road conditions.
  • Demonstrate the principles of ascent and descent in off-road conditions (sand dunes).
  • Change a wheel in off-road conditions.
  • Demonstrate how to recover a vehicle stuck in soft surface conditions off-road (self and assisted recovery techniques).
  • Demonstrate the correct engagement/use of high/low gear ratios and differential locks.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of vehicles jacks.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of reducing tyre pressures in soft sand and subsequent use of air compressors.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of animals found in the Omani desert.
  • Understand heat injuries: cause, signs and treatment.
  • Think and act ‘defensively’ and ‘safely’ at all times. These are the key components and form the basis of the course.
  • Safe use of all controls is vital; but this course focuses on the all-important perceptive skills i.e. the driver’s thought processes, which are developed to a high level by means of encouragement, quality instruction and commentary driving by the instructor and trainees to ensure safe progress in all off-road environments/conditions.

Road Diversion Techniques Awareness

Target Audience

For Managers, Supervisors and Safety Officers who are dealing with the implementation of road and traffic diversions in relation to optimising safety.


To enhance delegates Awareness and knowledge of Road Diversion Techniques within the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.

By the end of this session, the delegate will have an Awareness of the following:

  • Road side furniture and signage.
  • Correct use in relation to position, size and how to reduce basic confusion.
  • Cones and protective barriers.
  • Correct positioning and spacing guidelines in relation to speed limit of roads near to construction area.
  • Optimising diversionary and protective materials for night time identification.
  • Positioning of safe access points for works vehicles.
  • Control methods for entry and exit Preparing appropriate toolbox talks for road side workers.
  • Case studies on existing road works – identifying good and bad practice.
  • Risk Assessments identifying dangers to all road users including vehicles and pedestrian traffic.
  • Overview of existing policy and client requirements and action these policies in relation to optimising safety.
  • Incident reaction appropriate reaction to traffic incidents at the work site.

Traffic Control and Point Duty: basic introduction to traffic control and point duty

VIP / Professional Driver

Target Audience

The course is designed for employees whose duties would include driving VIPs or Senior staff member’s within the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.


To enhance delegates knowledge / skills of VIP / Professional driving techniques within the Sultanate of Oman and surrounding GCC region.

At the end of the course the driver should be able to:

  • Perform all pre-driving checks.
  • Understanding the importance of presenting the vehicle in an immaculate condition.
  • Show an awareness of personal dress code (relative to client).
  • Demonstrate a high degree of driving etiquette.
  • Plan safe routes to avoid high risk areas (journey management).
  • Drive the vehicle safely, lawfully, and correctly in traffic.
  • Keep a safe space on all sides of the vehicle in all traffic conditions.
  • Observe, recognise, and correctly respond to all potential and actual hazards, and use the most effective hazard approach procedure.
  • Demonstrate a defensive road position at all times and in all conditions.
  • Drive the vehicle at a speed commensurate with the condition of the load, road, traffic, and environment conditions.
  • Give an appropriate commentary whilst driving.
  • Manoeuvre safely and efficiently in a restricted space.
  • Show knowledge of how to respond to emergency situations.

Eco Driving – Light Vehicle

Target Audience

The Course is designed for all drivers of motor vehicles.


Provide awareness and skills in Eco driving techniques to reduce fuel consumption, maintenance costs and environmental impact in relation to running a fleet of vehicles.

Upon successful completion of this course, attendees will be aware of how to:

  • Perform all pre-driving checks in relation to Eco Driving.
  • Drive vehicles safely in accordance with Eco and defensive driving techniques.
  • Drive at a speed commensurate to the road traffic conditions and environment.
  • Understand how driving style can have an impact on the environment.
  • Understand how to drive safely, economically and in an environmentally friendly manner.
  • Reduce overall fuel consumption.

Speed Awareness and Distracted Driving

Target Audience

The course is designed for drivers of motor vehicles who have been identified as speeding via ROP fine or IVMS; as well as drivers identified as using mobile phones/texting whilst driving.


It is well documented that speed and mobile phone usage contributes to a significant percentage of all road collisions. This course aims to provide awareness of the dangers of speeding/distracted driving with a view to altering behavior to avoid future recurrences. The course aims to replace the traditional company (punishment-based) approach to such infractions (fines/discipline) with a more behavioral based approach, based on similar courses in the UK that have successfully run for over 20 years.

Upon successful completion of this course attendees will be aware of:

  • The dangers and reasons for speeding.
  • How to drive safely at a speed commensurate to the road traffic conditions and environment and reduce the likelihood of future speeding events by developing a personal speed awareness strategy.
  • How use of mobile phones whilst driving is against the law, extremely dangerous and a causal factor in a high number of road collisions.
  • How using mobile phones (even hands-free) can dramatically impact the ability to see danger and drive safely.