Authorised Gas Tester (AGT)

Target Audience

PDO & contractor personnel designated as Authorised Gas Testers.


Provide awareness and define NORM, where it occurs, hazards and controls to mitigate risk.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Provide awareness of when and why gas testing is required, i.e. for confined spaces and for hot work
  • Provide knowledge on use of gas testing equipment
  • Provide knowledge of how to conduct, interpret and document gas testing in confined spaces and for hot work

Authorised Gas Tester Scheduled Recertification (AGTR)

Target Audience

PDO & contractor personnel who have been previously trained as Authorised Gas Testers


Confirm individuals have retained the knowledge, understanding and skills to act as authorised gas testers.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Confirm the delegate has retained awareness of when and why gas testing is required, i.e. for confined spaces and for hot work
  • Confirm delegate has retained the knowledge on use of gas testing equipment
  • Confirm delegate has retained the knowledge of how to conduct, interpret and document gas testing in confined spaces and for hot work

Chemical Handling Awareness for Supervisors (CHAS)

Target Audience

PDO & Contractor supervisors who are responsible for operations pr processes involving chemicals


To provide PDO and Contractor staff with an awareness of, and the knowledge to control, the potential safety and health hazards or environmental damage arising from the transport, storage, handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Describe and apply the procedures for approving of chemicals
  • Identify the class of a hazardous chemical by recognizing signs, symbols and labels
  • Describe the safety, Health and environmental hazards of commonly occurring hazardous chemicals.
  • Describe and apply the procedures for approving of chemicals
  • Apply safety handling date in SHOC system

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material for Supervisors (NORMS)

Target Audience

PDO & Contractor Production Supervisors / Operators, Maintenance Coordinators/Supervisors, Pigging contractor supervisors, tank cleaning contractor supervisors, Well Service (Rig/Hoist) Managers/Drillers, EMC Contractor maintenance supervisors and ODC Contractor maintenance supervisors, NORM Yard and other supervisors working with potential NORM contaminated equipment or material.


To provide PDO and contractor supervisors’ awareness, knowledge and understanding of NORM in the oil and gas industry, and the PDO requirements associated with it, so that the safety and health of people are not compromised, and the environment is not harmed.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Provide awareness and knowledge of NORM, the hazards and risks associated with it
  • Provide knowledge of where NORM may deposit
  • Introduce field instruments associated with suspected NORM
  • Introduce the precautionary principle and actions required if NORM is identified

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material for Supervisors
scheduled Recertification (NORMSR)

Target Audience

PDO & Contractor personnel who have been trained previously and recertification is due.


To provide PDO and contractor supervisors’ awareness, knowledge and understanding of NORM in the oil and gas industry, and the PDO requirements associated with it, so that the safety and health of people are not compromised, and the environment is not harmed.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Confirm delegates have retained:
  • Awareness and knowledge of NORM, the hazards and risks associated with it
  • Knowledge of where NORM may deposit
  • Information about the field instruments associated with suspected NORM
  • Knowledge of the precautionary principle and actions required if NORM is identified

HSE Incident Investigation (HII)

Target Audience

PDO HSE Team Leads and Contractor HSE Advisers, PDO Contract Owners, Contract Holders and Contractor Managers & Supervisors, who may be required as part of their role to lead incident investigations.


To prepare staff who may be nominated, as individuals or as a member of a team, to investigate incidents or accidents.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Confirmation, clarification and expansion of knowledge and understanding related to incident types, records, risk assessment matrix and the Bow-Tie concept previously gained on HSE Tools & Skills course
  • Sufficient knowledge and clarity concerning human factors in incident investigation
  • An awareness of Tripod Trees and the ability to prepare incident reports

HSE Leadership for Frontline Supervisors (HSELFS)

Target Audience

All PDO & Contractor staff whose role involves the supervision of work done by employees at the front line.


To enable management to become leaders in health, safety and the environment.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Understand what effective leadership means, what HSE management means, how to be a successful leader
  • How to communicate, motivate, mentor and coach a team
  • How to conduct risk assessments, how to manage HSE in your team, how to use behavior to your advantage
  • How to conduct reflective learning, how to investigate incidents
  • How to manage the environment and how to manage asset integrity and process safety as a supervisor

HSE Leadership for Frontline Supervisors Refresher (HSELFSR)

Target Audience

All PDO & Contractor staff whose HSELFS is due for recertification.


To recertify front line supervisors to remain up to date with the latest techniques and issues in HSE.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Understand what effective leadership means, what HSE management means, how to be a successful leader
  • How to communicate, motivate, mentor and coach a team
  • How to conduct risk assessments, how to manage HSE in your team, how to use behavior to your advantage
  • How to conduct reflective learning, how to investigate incidents
  • How to manage the environment and how to manage asset integrity and process safety as a supervisor

HSE Leadership for Management (HSELM)

Target Audience

All PDO & Contractor staff whose role involves the supervision of work done another supervisor or manager. Note that if you have attended the HSELFS program then you do not need to attend this one.


To enable management to become leaders in health, safety and the environment.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Understand what effective leadership means, what HSE management means, how to be a successful leader
  • How to communicate, motivate, mentor and coach a team
  • How to conduct risk assessments, how to manage HSE in your team, how to use behavior to your advantage
  • How to conduct reflective learning, how to investigate incidents
  • How to manage the environment and how to manage asset integrity and process safety as a non-frontline supervisor or manager

HSE Leadership for Management scheduled Recertification (HSELMR)

Target Audience

All PDO & Contractor staff whose HSELM is due for recertification.


To recertify and enable management to become leaders in health, safety and the environment.

Upon successful completion of this course the attendee will be able to:

  • Understand what effective leadership means, what HSE management means, how to be a successful leader
  • How to communicate, motivate, mentor and coach a team
  • How to conduct risk assessments, how to manage HSE in your team, how to use behavior to your advantage
  • How to conduct reflective learning, how to investigate incidents
  • How to manage the environment and how to manage asset integrity and process safety as a non-frontline supervisor or manager