Approved Training Provider for HSE & DDC

PDO-HSE Level 2
PDO-HSE Level 2 | Section 2 |
01-PDO-L2-OTI | Authorised Gas Tester (AGT) |
02-PDO-L2-OTI | Authorised Gas Tester Scheduled Recertification (AGTR) |
03-PDO-L2-OTI | Chemical Handling Awareness for Supervisors (CHAS) |
04-PDO-L2-OTI | Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material for Supervisors (NORMS) |
05-PDO-L2-OTI | NORM for Supervisors scheduled Recertification (NORMSR) |
06-PDO-L2-OTI | HSE Incident Investigation (HII) |
07-PDO-L2-OTI | HSE Leadership for Frontline Supervisors (HSELFS) |
08-PDO-L2-OTI | HSE Leadership for Frontline Supervisors Refresher (HSELFSR) |
09-PDO-L2-OTI | HSE Leadership for Management (HSELM) |
10-PDO-L2-OTI | HSE Leadership for Management scheduled Recertification (HSELMR) |
11-PDO-L2-OTI | Permit to Work Holders (PTWH) |
12-PDO-L2-OTI | Permit to Work Holders scheduled Recertification (PTWHR) |
13-PDO-L2-OTI | Permit to Work Signatories (PTWS) |
14-PDO-L2-OTI | Permit to Work Signatories scheduled Recertification (PTWSR) |
15-PDO-L2-OTI | Permit to Work Auditors (PTWA) |
16-PDO-L2-OTI | Permit to Work Auditors scheduled Recertification (PTWAR) |
17-PDO-L2-OTI | Safety Leadership for Executives (SLE) |